Passengers of Liberty Flight
Launch by SpaceX, from Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex to Low Earth Orbit, in a fantastic space trip to the immortality.
In memory of our loved ones on their space flight. On a space journey, with freedom among the stars.
Eduardo Alberto Brito
It was March 15th, 2021 and we were all there- accompanying you, accompanying one another, saying goodbye. Your children, Federico, Mariana and Leticia. Rosario and Patricio. Your grandchildren: Juan Pablo, Jazmin, Carolina, Agustina, Araceli and Lucila. Your brother, your brothers-in-law, your nephews. Your friends. And me, your wife. We had been together for more than half a century (almost 50 years of marriage). Everything passed vertiginously through our memory and our memories.
You were born in La Plata on June 13th, 1949. I was told you were an active and happy boy with very clear objectives. I have always in my mind your anecdotes from Anexa School and La Plata National High School that you so much loved and proudly remembered those years of youth and joy, while singing or humming some argentine “zamba” among guitars and leguero drums.
Pacha (Amalia Carolina Antelo) , Beto (Alberto Jorge Brito) y Tetel (Esther Ángela Florencia Brito) guided you through your life and ours.
Later on you attended La Plata National University (UNLP). We still keep its oak-leaves crest, that accompanied you over time.
We got married at a young age. We always wanted to walk together the mysterious path of life, and so we were forming our family with achievements and drawbacks, but always with love.
After you got your medical doctor´s degree, Castex Hospital became your home. Your professional career, your colleagues, your work. But your hopes and dreams went far beyond.
There were many things to do and discover in this world. With your own hands, you transformed a tree, a piece of wood, an object.
You put your hands in the ground, in the fresh concrete, in any kind of tools with the only aim to create something that transcended time, while listening to classic music, that you so much enjoyed.
Probably due to your untamed spirit, your other passion was navigation. Being part of nature, understanding and respecting its rules. “Citizen of the world” as you used to say, because there were no limits or boundaries to your dreams. You belonged to the ground, the water, and from now on to the universe.
Your last wish still resounds: “Fede, take me to the space”, and here you are, fulfilling your dream.
Thank you for having shared your life with all of us.

Dolores (Lola) Señer Vives
Lola, my mom, was a woman who had a rich and intense life. She was born in Barcelona and stayed with her family during the Civil War in Spain.
In 1950, she married Don Pedro, and they came to Argentina, looking for a better future. They had one daughter, three grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren whom she truly loved.
“You are always in my thoughts” your daughter.
Maso Señer María de Nuria.
Yaya, “bona nit totes les puces al teu llit”.
My granny, my grandmother, who always brought us “alfajores” (caramel cookiess), and who cooked the best baked chicken in the world.
We will miss her forever, she lives in our hearts and we are very grateful to have had her in our lives. Lola was not only my grandmother, she was also a mother and a friend.
Our dearest Granny, always pampering and indulging us, and preparing the most delicious dishes for her family.
We love you forever!!!
Thank you mom for so much love and dedication always for your family.
We remember you with joy, you are with us every day.

Matilde Gabiani
Miguel Angel Prats (son)
Matilde nació el 25 de enero de 1927 en Rivera ,a 120 km de Pigue, provincia de Buenos Aires.
A los 19 años en su viaje a Buenos Aires conoció a mi padre y se fue con él.
Una mujer muy bonita (la confundían mucho con Zully Moreno).
Señora comprometida, de carácter y fiel.
Siguió a mi padre (que no era poco) en las buenas y en las malas hasta el final.
Madre protectora y dedicada pero no perfecta.
Matilde Madre querida, todos los que te conocieron te extrañan.
Te quiero mucho Mamá y Te extraño.

Elisa Carluccio
Marisa Vanelli (daugther)
Thank you Mom for so much love and dedication, always, for your whole family.
We remember you with great joy, you are present in us every day.

Daniel Evaristo Cano
A brief summary of Don Evaristo Cano´s life.
Don Cano was born on October 26th, 1916 in Carapeguá, Paraguay. He was the eldest son, what made him take a paternal role with his brothers, since his father died when he was 9. At sixteen, he went to Mendoza, escaping from the Chaco-Paraguay war. He stayed there for one year, and then the cold weather pushed him to Buenos Aires city. While working at a bar in Mendoza, he created some cocktails that were very successful mainly among women, because they had a touch of sweetness in the edge of the glass and a cherry on top. Since then, his inclination to the art of decoration was made evident.
In the city, he worked for several years in a cigar factory. He was always an adventurer who faced life with high strength and determination. He was a regular customer at the most famous bars in Buenos Aires.
He learned the job of upholsterer, a work he loved and to which he devoted his life.
He was a very lovable person, same as his wife, Maria, who transmitted him, her spirituality and love of the other.
They lived together for almost 60 years.
His generosity is always remembered for his cousins, nephews, and other relatives and friends with much love and joy. A man who left his mark.
He enjoyed inviting people to his house. A great host who enjoyed sharing a good wine or whisky at any time
Cheers, Don Cano
A toast to you, with our eyes and smile towards the eternal heaven.
Relatives: Jorge Cano, Susana Cano, Carmen Cano, Lucia Cano and Ana Cano. Sons and daughters.
A message from Ana Cano:
Dear Don Cano: as the poet once said: “you are part of me even if I do not see you again”(Frank Kafka).
You would probably laugh at this space adventure. Another one to remember. You were an eternal dreamer who lived deeply and enthusiastically. You care and accompany others as you could, as you knew. You loved your job so much. You knitted a path of different colors. I am grateful to you for transmitting your knowledge. Father of the neighborhood they called you. The siren calls must have taken you to the celestial sphere. Cheers. I love you, thank you old man.
You will shine as a new star. Every time I look at the sky, you will be there, taking care of me and toasting with a glass of wine. I love you. Always in my heart.
A message from Lucia Cano:
“A kiss from the star” by Augusto Roa Bastos.
The world has already fallen asleep on a bed of shadows. And the blue in the sky is like a flowered prairie showing the divine miracle of a forest populated with thousands of stars.

India (Bearded Collie)
Our little Indian arrived home in August 2007. She was a black and white cuddly toy. Playful, sweet and obedient. Her human sisters were 15 and 18 then. They pampered and indulged her in all possible ways.
She used to sleep a while on each bed, except in hers. She loved having her belly scratched while she slept on the sofa.
She accompanied us during 14 years of happiness until her last day. On January 25th 2022, we had to put her to sleep, as she could not walk anymore and had many health problems.
We cannot yet overcome our sadness of knowing she will not be there when we got back home. However, we remember her with joy for all the happy moments we shared with her.
She will be always in our hearts.